Ctrl # Institution Country Advisor Problem Designation
1373 Princeton University USA Ramin Takloo C Outstanding Winner INFORMS Award
1442 Jilin University P.R.China XiuLing Yao C Outstanding Winner
1477 Hangzhou Dianzi University P.R. China Hao Shen C Outstanding Winner
2052 Duke University USA David Kraines C Outstanding Winner
然而在The UMAP Journal的2007' ICM专辑(Vol.28, No. 2)中却只有两篇美国队的特等奖论文,两支中国队的特等奖论文未被发表,获奖名单中亦删除了该两队,甚至破天荒地在杂志的一开头专门针对嫖窃问题发表了一篇文章: Write Your Own Contest Entry,该文的引言如下:
This year’s ICM was marred by the disqualification of two teams. Their papers would have been judged Outstanding—except that the papers weren’t their work. The papers included numerous entire paragraphs from other sources without any acknowledgment. The teams presented as their own the work of others: They utterly failed to distinguish where the sources’ words ended and the team’s began.