发表于 2005-10-17 02:50:28
< >下面是我们对B题的程序的一部分,使用的模型是0-1规划,给出的是精确的全局最优解。一些暂时还需要保密的技术已经用省略去,但可以看出程序的框架。</P>
< >这个程序只能在MATLAB 7.0或更高的版本上运行。</P>
< >在CPU 1.6G, 内存512M机器上,运行得出得出DVD分配方案只要3.578秒(可以用MATLAB Profiler测试)。</P>
<P>function [dis count X] = p2 (Favorite,Disk)<BR>[m n]=size(Favorite); % get the size<BR>Disk=Disk( ;<BR>Effective = ......; % get the filter of effective determinations<BR>Sat = 11-Favorite; Sat(~.....)=0; % reverse the oder of Favorite<BR>Sat = Sat./repmat(sum(Sat,2),1,n); % normalization<BR>....... % reshape satisfactory matrix, prepare coefficients for optimization<BR>clear Sat, clear Favorite,<BR>% prepare the coefficient matrix for inequation<BR>.......</P>
<P>k = 0; I = zeros(2*Length,1); J = I;<BR>for ....</P>
<P> for i ...</P>
<P> if Effective(i,j)<BR> ....</P>
<P> end<BR> end<BR>end<BR>for j ....<BR> for i .....<BR> if Effective(i,j)<BR> .....</P>
<P> end<BR> end<BR>end<BR>A = sparse(.....);<BR>b = [.....]; % prepare constrain conditions<BR>lb = zeros(.....); % set low bound<BR>ub = ones(.....); % sett up bound<BR> disp('All varibles ready. Optimizing using large scale linear programing...')<BR> disp('Optimmizing may take a few seconds. Please stand by...') % notice<BR> % linear programing<BR> [...,...] = linprog(f,A,b,...,lb,ub, .....('LargeScale','on')); <BR> disp('satisfactory function ='), disp(-fval) % show the value of target function<BR> x(x<=....) = 0; x(x>=....) = 1;<BR> decL=...& ....; % get the mark of decimal x<BR> disp('decimal deteminations ='), disp(sum(decL)) % display the number of decimal determiations<BR> b = b-A*(....x);<BR> A = A(:,....); f = f(....);<BR> disp('All varibles ready. Optimizing using binary integer programming...')<BR> disp('Optimmizing may take a few seconds. Please stand by...') % notice<BR> binx = bintprog(f,A,b);<BR> x(decL) = ....;<BR>disp('Distribution found.')<BR>X = zeros(.....); X(Effective) = x; %reshape m*n<BR>dis = zeros(m,3); % distribution<BR>count = zeros(m,1); % a counter of the disk </P>
<P>......</P> |