< ><FONT size=3>行星和太阳的质量,行星到太阳的平均距离,行星的平均速度<p></p></FONT></P>
< ><FONT size=3>采用牛顿万有引力定律和加速度定律模拟太阳系的运动轨迹。</FONT></P>
< ><FONT size=3>运行过程中观察<FONT face="Times New Roman">4</FONT>个行星的运动。修改该程序:</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> % total number of big objects in solar system
Nsphere = 10;</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> % color of planets
Col = [1:Nsphere];</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> % Gravitational constant in kg^-2*m^3*s^-2
Grav = 6.67259*(10^(-11));
% mass of planets in kg
Mass = zeros(Nsphere,1);
Mass(1) = 0.33*(10^24); % Mercury
Mass(2) = 4.87*(10^24); % Venus
Mass(3) = 5.97*(10^24); % Earth
Mass(4) = 0.642*(10^24); % Mars
Mass(5) = 1899*(10^24); % Jupiter
Mass(6) = 568*(10^24); % Saturn
Mass(7) = 86.8*(10^24); % Uranus
Mass(8) = 102*(10^24); % Neptune
Mass(9) = 0.0125*(10^24); % Pluto
Mass(10) = 1047.3486*Mass(5); % The sun </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> % initial position in m
X = zeros(Nsphere,1);
Y = zeros(Nsphere,1);
X(1) = 57.9*(10^9); % Mercury
X(2) = 108.2*(10^9); % Venus
X(3) = 149.6*(10^9); % Earth
X(4) = 227.9*(10^9); % Mars
X(5) = 778.6*(10^9); % Jupiter
X(6) = 1433.5*(10^9); % Saturn
X(7) = 2872.5*(10^9); % Uranus
X(8) = 4495.1*(10^9); % Neptune
X(9) = 5870.0*(10^9); % Pluto
X(10) = 0; % The sun</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> scatter(X,Y,'or');</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> % initial velocity in m*s^-1 (using mean orbital velocity)
VX = zeros(Nsphere,1);
VY = zeros(Nsphere,1);</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> VY(1) = 47.89*(10^3); % Mercury
VY(2) = 35.03*(10^3); % Venus
VY(3) = 29.79*(10^3); % Earth
VY(4) = 24.13*(10^3); % Mars
VY(5) = 13.06*(10^3); % Jupiter
VY(6) = 9.64*(10^3); % Saturn
VY(7) = 6.80*(10^3); % Uranus
VY(8) = 5.40*(10^3); % Neptune
VY(9) = 4.70*(10^3); % Pluto
VY(10) = 0; % The sun </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> % acceleration of spheres
AX = zeros(Nsphere,1);
AY = zeros(Nsphere,1);</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> % Use Newton's law of gravitation to move the planets in space
dt = 300;
day = 24*60*60/dt;
for tstep=1:100000000</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> for sphere=1:Nsphere
rest = setdiff( (1:Nsphere),sphere);
dists = (X(rest)-X(sphere)).^2+(Y(rest)-Y(sphere)).^2;
dists = dists.^(-3/2);</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> AX(sphere) = Grav*Mass(rest)'*((X(rest)-X(sphere)).*dists);
AY(sphere) = Grav*Mass(rest)'*((Y(rest)-Y(sphere)).*dists);
X = X + dt*VX;
Y = Y + dt*VY;
VX = VX + dt*AX;
VY = VY + dt*AY;</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> if(~mod(tstep,day))
title(sprintf('day=%d', tstep/day));</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3> % only plot sun and first four planets
RANGE = max(max(abs(X(1:4))),max(abs(Y(1:4))));
hold on; scatter(X,Y,'o',Col);
hold off;
<P ><FONT size=3> end</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">A </FONT>添加一个彗星(需要增加<FONT face="Times New Roman">Nsphere </FONT>数组等)<FONT face="Times New Roman">.<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3>假设这个和彗星以一个初速度从<FONT face="Times New Roman">Jupiter</FONT>附近开始运动。</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">B </FONT>在地球附近添加月球</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">C </FONT>能够演示出彗星撞地球或其他行星;找到月球对地球应力最大的时刻</FONT></P>
<P>请问怎么修改?</P> |