<>To amao</P>
<>我不只三遍地看了Contest Registration and Instructions,还是没有弄清我原来的那个问题——由谁来决定哪个队伍参加美赛。以来是一些摘录下来的关键信息:</P>
<>*. To participate in MCM a team must be sponsored by a faculty advisor from their institution.</P>
<P>*. There can be no more than two teams from the same department participating in MCM, regardless of whether they have the same or different advisors. </P>
<P>*. There can be at most four teams from the same institution participating in MCM, regardless of whether they are from the same or different departments. </P>
<P>*. For ICM there can be at most three teams from the same institution. </P>