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Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox 2

发表于 2007-3-29 22:29:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox is a collection of functions that<br/>extend the capabilities of Optimization Toolbox and the MATLAB&reg; numeric<br/>computing environment. Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search Toolbox<br/>includes routines for solving optimization problems using<br/>&#8226; Direct search<br/>&#8226; Genetic algorithm<br/>&#8226; Simulated annealing<br/>These algorithms enable you to solve a variety of optimization problems that<br/>lie outside the scope of Optimization Toolbox.<br/>All the toolbox functions are MATLAB M-files made up of MATLAB<br/>statements that implement specialized optimization algorithms. You can view<br/>the MATLAB code for these functions using the statement<br/>type function_name<br/>You can extend the capabilities of Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search<br/>Toolbox by writing your own M-files, or by using the toolbox in combination<br/>with other toolboxes, or with MATLAB or Simulink&reg;.
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