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一个非线形规划的小程序,有毛病 请指教!

发表于 2005-9-2 18:22:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<>function f=fun(x)<BR>f=-2*x(1)-x(2);</P>
<P>x0=[3;2.5];<BR>vlb=[0 0];<BR>vub=[5 10];<BR>[x,fval,exitflag,output]=fmincon('fun',x0,[],[],[],[],vlb,vub,'mycon2');</P>
<P>g =</P>
<P>   -9.7500<BR>   -4.2500</P>
<P>??? Error using ==&gt; fmincon<BR>FMINCON cannot continue because user supplied nonlinear constraint function<BR> failed with the following error:</P>
<P>One or more output arguments not assigned during call to 'feval'.</P>
<P>Error in ==&gt; C:\MATLAB6p1\work\Untitled6.m<BR>On line 4  ==&gt; [x,fval,exitflag,output]=fmincon('fun',x0,[],[],[],[],vlb,vub,'mycon2');</P>
发表于 2005-9-3 17:17:06 | 显示全部楼层
<>function f=fun(x)<BR>f=-2*x(1)-x(2);</P>
<P>x0=[3;2.5];<BR>vlb=[0 0];<BR>vub=[5 10];<BR>[x,fval,exitflag,output]=fmincon('fun',x0,[],[],[],[],vlb,vub,'mycon2');</P>

<P>运行结果为:Active Constraints:<BR>     1<BR>     6</P>
<P><BR>x =</P>
<P>    4.0000<BR>    3.0000</P>
<P><BR>fval =</P>
<P>  -11.0000</P>
<P><BR>exitflag =</P>
<P>     1</P>
<P><BR>output = </P>
<P>       iterations: 4<BR>        funcCount: 19<BR>         stepsize: 1<BR>        algorithm: [1x44 char]<BR>    firstorderopt: 5.0627e-013<BR>     cgiterations: []</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-3 21:20:34 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-4 04:09:46 | 显示全部楼层
<>是不是用  g=[;...;...;];的格式</P>
<P>如g=[x(1)^2+x(2);x(1)*4-3*x(2)^3;8*x(1)^2_7*x(2)]; 这种格式</P>
<P>同理ceq 也是一样?</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-4 04:50:21 | 显示全部楼层
<TABLE fixed; WORD-BREAK: break-all" height="85%" width="95%" align=center border=0>

<TD 9pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt" vAlign=top width=* height="100%">
<>??? Error using ==&gt; fmincon<BR>FMINCON cannot continue because user supplied nonlinear constraint function<BR>failed with the following error:</P>
<P>One or more output arguments not assigned during call to 'feval'.</P>
<P>Error in ==&gt; C:\MATLAB6p1\work\Untitled6.m<BR>On line 4  ==&gt; [x,fval,exitflag,output]=fmincon('fun',x0,[],[],[],[],vlb,vub,'mycon2');</P></TD></TR>
发表于 2005-9-7 00:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
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