
时间:2014年05月03日作者:amao查看次数:4,872 次评论次数:0



Each team can choose any one of the four problem choices and should submit a solution to only one problem.

  • MCM problems are Problem A or Problem B.
  • ICM problems are Problem C or Problem D.


  • 新增:ICM增加D题。
  • 新增:强调发送论文时,不能使用云存储方式发送附件(如果是国内邮箱,不要使用远程附件或云附件功能),必须在邮件附件中包含论文文件。原文:

    !! Do not use a cloud service such as Google Docs your email must contain a Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word attachment.

  • 新增:往年证书下载地址。可以使用Control Number下载2009年以来历年的证书电子版。MCM/ICM Certificate Download Page
  • 变更:SIAM特别奖只在MCM竞赛中颁发,每题一个。原文:

    The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) will designate one Outstanding team from each MCM problem as a SIAM winner.

  • 新增:强调竞赛评委、主席、UMAP Journal杂志编辑的权威。原文:

    Decisions of the judges, the contest directors, and the editor of The UMAP Journal are final.

  • 新增:明确参赛作品的版权归属。原文:

    By submitting an entry, team members agree that:

    • Their submission and all rights to its publication become the property of COMAP, Inc.
    • COMAP may use, edit, excerpt, and publish this submission for promotional use or any other purpose, including placing it online, distributing it electronically, or publishing it in The UMAP Journal or otherwise, without compensation of any kind.
    • COMAP reserves the right to use in materials relating to this contest, the names of the team members, their advisor(s), and their affiliations, without further notification, permission, or compensation.

    and team members assert that

    • All images, figures, photographs, tables, and drawings in their submission were either created by the team or else, if reproduced from another source, the submission cites a specific reference for each at its location in the submission.
    • All direct quotations in the submission are enclosed in quotation marks or otherwise identified as such, with a specific reference cited for each at its location in the submission.


声明: 本文采用 BY-NC-SA 协议进行授权 | 数学建模网—SHUMO.COM






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