====== 2017 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛 MCM、ICM 试题 ====== ===== 2017 MCM A: Managing The Zambezi River ===== {{:mcm-icm:mcm2017a.pdf|Managing The Zambezi River}} ===== 2017 MCM B: Merge After Toll ===== {{:mcm-icm:mcm2017b.pdf|Merge After Toll}} ===== 2017 MCM C: "Cooperate and navigate" ===== {{:mcm-icm:mcm2017c.7z|Cooperate and navigate}} ===== 2017 ICM D: Optimizing the Passenger Throughput at an Airport Security ===== {{:mcm-icm:icm2017d.7z|Optimizing the Passenger Throughput at an Airport Security}} ===== 2017 ICM E: Sustainable Cities Needed! ===== {{:mcm-icm:icm2017e.pdf|Sustainable Cities Needed!}} ===== 2017 ICM F: Migration to Mars: Utopian Workforce of the 2100 Urban Society ===== {{:mcm-icm:icm2017f.pdf|Migration to Mars: Utopian Workforce of the 2100 Urban Society}}